Why Complain?

There are some things that just don’t change

Lori Wangler
5 min readNov 14, 2022
Photo by Victoria Akvarel

(All Scripture, unless otherwise noted, is from Isaiah, chapter 40, Complete Jewish Bible (CJB). Bible Gateway, www.biblegateway.com. Accessed 14 Nov. 2022.)

It begins in a familiar way.

Remember when the priests and Levites asked John the Baptist who he was? He answered in the words of Yesha’yahu (that’s Hebrew for “Isaiah”):

I am, “The voice of someone crying out:
‘In the desert make the way of Adonai straight!’”
(John 1:23, CJB)

Your Bible may say, “I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness…” No matter. I prefer the CJB translation because I’m not convinced John spent his time crying out in an empty wilderness when there were so many priests and Levites to mess with in the courtyard of the temple.

(Ah, the power of the comma!)

In Middle Eastern culture, when kings came to visit, as a show of respect a new road would be built. Seriously. Everything would be cleared away and a highway would be constructed, just for their procession. It was a project of enormous proportions, and when it was finished, everyone would line up to watch the show.

And so it will be when the LORD comes back, only way bigger and way better. When He comes…

